Our Library Policy:
Mission Statement and Philosophy >>> The RJEC Library exists to serve the students, staff, and parents of the school. The Library fully supports and under-girds the Mission Statement and Philosophy of Ruby-Jo Education Centre as delineated in the School Policies and Procedures Manual. The library also seeks to implement standards of the school’s accrediting agency, the Ghana Education Service, Ministry of Education and Association of Christian Schools of Ghana.
The Mission of Ruby-Jo Education Centre is to educate students by integrating academic excellence with a biblical world, helping Christian families impact the world for Christ.
Material Selection Policy
The responsibility for the selection of library materials is delegated to the librarian and school administration, with input from staff, administrator, parents, and students. Materials will be selected according to the following criteria:
School Philosophy
Library materials shall be assessed and evaluated in order to promote the school’s Christ-centered educational philosophy. In accordance with this philosophy, to lead the student toward the development of true knowledge, righteousness, and holiness in Christ, the library strives to house materials that will promote the spiritual maturity of its patrons. Materials that are contrary to this philosophy are housed with the intent to teach and discuss other views, but are not used to promote these other philosophies.
Curriculum Goals
The library works collaboratively with classroom teachers in order to under-gird the school-wide curriculum. The library shall house items that are specifically beneficial to units and lessons taught in the classroom. Teachers are encouraged to request that items be added to the collections which are useful for their curriculum and for student assignments, projects, and reports.
Budget Considerations
Library materials will be purchased according to biblical stewardship principles, knowing that God ultimately provides for all needs of Ruby-Jo Education Centre. Materials will be considered in light of its benefit in relation to its cost. The library will spend within the assigned budget, with Directress approval and administrator permission, and with all selection criteria in mind.
Patron Requests
The library is open to all RJEC students, parents, and staff members. Library patrons may request materials to be added to the collection. These requests will be considered in view of all selection criteria.
Collection Needs
The library collection shall be regularly assessed to determine its strengths and weaknesses. Assessment is made using library software reports and external collection analysis as available. Attention shall be given to update age-sensitive ranges and to develop areas that represent a weakness in the collection.
Material Type and Condition
A variety of materials shall be selected to be included in the library collection. Materials will be added to the library with consideration of the item’s type and condition. The type of material (e.g. book, cassette tape, CD, DVD, VHS, etc.) will be considered in light of the overall usefulness of that media type relative to the entire collection and in congruence with overall Material Selection Criteria. The condition of an item will also be considered to determine whether it will be added to the collection. Factors that determine the condition of item include, but are not limited to: damage and wear, copyright and publication dates, mold and mildew.
Material De-acquisition Policy
De-acquisition is the removal of materials from the library collection. De-acquisition is a process that is integral to collection maintenance and development and will occur regularly and systematically. In general, the same criteria apply to de-acquisition as apply to the selection of new materials. Materials may be considered for de-acquisition for the following reasons:
- Items that are damaged or worn beyond repair
- Newer editions available
- Lack of use
- Sensitive copyright date
- Materials that are obsolete, inaccurate, or inappropriate
- Duplicate copies of seldom used titles
- Materials that do not align with current material selection policy
The library will not automatically replace materials from the collection because of loss, damage, or wear. Decisions to replace items will be based on the following considerations:
- Is the book in the Reading Counts program?
- How many copies are already housed in the library?
- Are existing resources on the topic sufficient?
- Is a newer and better resource available?
De-acquisitioned materials shall remain the property of the school. The school may choose to disposed of the materials in the following ways:
- Given to classroom teachers
- Sold in used book sale
- Thrown away
The library relies heavily upon and appreciates gifts and donations to build the materials collection. As with any other materials, all donations to the library will be assessed and evaluated according to the current material selection criteria. Only materials that fulfill the material selection criteria will be added to the library collection. The following policies also apply to donations:
- If possible, potential donors should make contact with the librarian or school administration concerning a prospective donation before it is brought to the library.
- Donated materials must be of such nature that they can be integrated into the collection and not require special facilities, control, or staffing.
- The librarian shall have the sole right to retain or dispose of any gift materials.
- Donations will not be received with any form of donor-imposed constraints for cataloging, storing, displaying, distribution, usage, etc.
- Monetary donations received for specific materials will be spent as designated, provided the designation is in accordance with the current material selection criteria.
- Donors may request bookplate acknowledgements or memorials to be applied at the discretion of the librarian.
Re-Consideration of Materials
Materials cataloged into the library are selected with great care according to the specified material’s selection criteria. Nevertheless, concerns and challenges for reconsideration of materials may occur. Since Ruby-Jo Education Centre exists to assist parents in educating children to impact the world for Christ, it is expected that parents will contribute wise input for selection of library materials. It is also expected that any conflict will be handled according to the biblical principles as spelled.
The Re-Consideration of Materials Policy is as follows:
- When possible, the procedure for reconsideration shall be handled informally between the librarian and the complainant. The librarian shall make a decision regarding the material in question and communicate the decision to the complainant. The librarian reserves the right to remove, relocate, or retain materials according to the current material’s selection criteria.
- Should the complainant be dissatisfied with the informal interaction and decision of the librarian, he/she shall communicate that directly to the librarian. At that time, the complainant shall receive a copy of the Library Collection Development Policy. For further re-consideration, a written Material Re-consideration Form must be completed and returned to the librarian. The librarian shall apprise the administrator by providing a copy of the complainant’s request for re-consideration. The administrator shall make a decision regarding the complaint and communicate the decision to the complainant within twenty-five (25) school days.
- Should the complainant be dissatisfied with the administrator’s decision, the request for re-consideration shall be presented to a committee comprised at minimum of the administrator, librarian, and a member of the school administration. The committee may also include staff members and parents as appointed by the administrator. The committee shall read the material in question in light of the complaint as explained in the request for re-consideration. The committee shall furnish a written decision to retain, relocate, or remove the materials to the complainant within twenty-five (25) working days after receiving the request.
- Should the complainant be dissatisfied with the committee’s recommendation, the complainant’s written request shall be forwarded to the Headteacher and or the Office of the Directress for final consideration.