Ruby-Jo School Attendance Policy  

A.  General Policy. The school calendar year commence on September every year. Rainy days will be added as needed. In order for students to get the most out of school classes they must be in attendance and on time. Attendance is taken in every class.

The school requires a minimum of 95% attendance of the school days in any one term. Anything short of that and persistent in nature may result in removal from school register. The school will deem as giving up one’s placement if learner fails to attend school in the first two weeks of reopening without good reason. Sicknesses absences in such cases must be backed by a doctor’s report. Again, two weeks continues absence term time may result in disciplinary or termination of placement. We do not encourage erratic school attendance.

B. Absence. A school student who is over 30 minutes late to class will be considered absent to that class. Any student arriving after 9:00 AM and leaving prior to 12:00 noon will be considered absent for that day. Ruby-Jo policy limits the allowable number of absences to twenty days per school year or five days per quarter. Any student who misses more than 5 days per quarter will be required to serve three hours in school per day in learning with class teacher at the end of the quarter in question. There will also be an extra fee per day over payable on the date that the hours are served. An absence is excused for illness, death in the immediate family, doctor appointments not able to be scheduled at another time, or other reasons considered appropriate by the administration. Please obtain a doctor’s note as necessary. If it is determined that a student skipped school, he will receive zeros for the day and have his enrollment status evaluated. The student is responsible for collecting and making up work missed due to absence. Attendance is mandatory for participation in after school activities. If a student’s absences become excessive, a parental conference will be required with the Director or his/her representative.

C. Tardiness. If a student is tardy he must immediately report to the school office and obtain a tardy slip to enter class. Tardiness without a written excuse from a parent or guardian will not be tolerated. An excuse from home will not necessarily constitute an excuse of tardy, but will be considered by the Director’s office.

D. Early Dismissal. All parents picking up students from school early should proceed to the school office. Please do not go directly to the classroom. All students leaving school premises early must sign out at the school office. A note must be presented to the school office on the morning of the early dismissal. The teacher will be informed of the early dismissal and send the student to the school office at the appropriate time. It is the student’s responsibility to obtain all class assignments missed during their absence. Please contact the school office if you decide to pick up your student early on the same day.  

E. Contacting Students in the Classroom. If a need arises to contact a student during the school day, please call the school office. A message will be relayed to the student. In addition, gifts, lunches, homework, books and the like will be delivered promptly to your child through the school office. Please do not take these items directly to the classroom. This will keep disruptions of the learning process to a minimum. Our school policy disallowed any person(s) to enter into any classroom during school hours.

Arrival and Dismissal

A. Arrival. Ruby-Jo School faculty will be on duty beginning at 7:00 AM to supervise students in the school premises during school working days. At 8:00 School gate will be close. The first bell will ring signaling that the students may go to their classes. Crèche and Nursery teachers will welcome their children into the classroom. Kindergarten and Lower Primary teachers will pick up their students from the morning arrival area. Students in upper primary should proceed directly to their respectively classroom. At 8:20 the second bell (late bell) will ring for school assembly. Any students not in their seat when this bell begins ringing are considered (late) tardy and must obtain a tardy slip from the school office in order to proceed to class.

B. Dismissal. All students are dismissed (closed for the day) at 2:40 PM. Please do not expect to pick up your student earlier done the closing time at 2:30 PM unless there is a valid reason (ie. doctor’s appointment). Trying to pick up students prior to closing hour is very disruptive throughout the school. All grade students will be dismissed by their teacher. They are to stay with their teacher until they are dismissed directly to their parents or guardians. There is to be no running or play of any kind in the pick-up area.

C. After Dismissal. At 3:00 PM all students who have not been picked up must report to the “after care” area. A staff member will supervise the students in “after care.” Students will have a snack time, homework time, and play time until their ride arrives. Students are not to be in the building after school except for scheduled school activities. Students are not allowed to stay after school (3:00 PM) unless a parent or staff member supervises them. If a student is involved in any after school extra-curricular activity, it is the parent(s)’s responsibility to provide transportation for their young children. Please do not leave younger students to wait for an older sibling to finish practice or any other activity. Please make arrangements to pick up the younger student on time.

Very Important: Written permission must be on file in the school office for a student to ride home with someone other than his or her parents or regular car pool ride.

Student Hovering Around

 After School hours no student is allowed to hang around school premises unless especial arrangement is done with the school office beforehand.  


Parents are urgently requested NOT to take students out of school during times when school is still in session. Because of the effect on course continuity and discussion, the benefits of vacations during the school year are highly questionable. Parents are especially urged NOT to assume that days immediately before and after scheduled school vacations are proper days to make exceptions. Please do no base decisions on student option, or assume makeup privileges will be extended before or after the vacation.

Discussion about vacations should be shared with the Director’s office prior to making vacation plans. Vacations in most cases will not be considered excused absences.


Homework is an extension of class work and the school takes homework seriously as it is our way of determining the learners understanding of lessons taught in the classroom. Persistent failure to submit homework on time will result in disciplinary and ultimately removal from School register.

Student Health and Insurance

Parental Responsibilities

 Parents are asked to provide immunization records and notification of any communicable diseases that a student may have contracted.

Students who have a persistent need of medical attention will be referred to the Director’s office, and the parents will be contacted to determine the need of this attention.


Students who become ill during the school day will be given proper care at the school office or will be sent home. Any student who appears injured, seriously ill or has a temperature of 100 degrees will not be allowed to remain at school. Parents will be called and asked to pick up their child from school. If parents cannot be reached, the school office will contact the emergency person indicated on the student’s emergency card. A student who has been vomiting or has a temperature of over 100 must stay home until they have not vomited for 24 hours and they have had no fever for 24 hours, without fever reducing medication. (Please keep the school office informed of any changes in phone numbers or contact address if any.)


A. Prescription. Students who require prescription medications must bring a doctor’s note to the school office. The medication must be labeled with the following: the student’s name, the dosage, and the name of the medication. In addition, a note is needed from a parent giving the staff permission to administer the medication.

B. Non-prescription. Students who need non-prescription medications must bring a parent’s note or have permission on their emergency card. The school staff will not be held liable for the effects of medication given at the direction of a doctor or parent. In all cases, the medication must be deposited at the school office. No medicine is to be in the student’s possession during the school day. The school assumes no responsibility for the results of self-administered medication.

Health Insurance

At the time of enrollment, all students must have insurance coverage. Parents have the following two options:

• Show proof of coverage from an existing policy

• Purchase coverage using the information made available by the Government . Such as NHIS, SSINT, or others

School Gate

Our School gate closes at 8:00 AM every school day. Please take note that when the gate are closed we advice parent to send their children back home. For any unforeseen challengers kindly contact school office by phone, NOT the class teacher. It’s against school policy for any child to be left behind school gate for whatsoever reason, Ruby-Jo Education Centre accept no responsibility for such action and discipline. We encourage all parents and guardians to be in school on time before school gate are closed. This is good and appropriate for both students, parents and the school.

School Closings

 At Ruby-Jo Education Centre, the safety of both students and faculty is one of our highest concerns. In the event of inclement weather that might make travel to and/or from the school hazardous, Ruby-Jo School will make a decision in light of the weather and road conditions. This may or may not coincide with public or other private schools’ actions. In addition, the school office will send a school wide message through the school platform on WhatsApp. We encourage all parents to be on our Whatsapp page. Please call the school about early dismissal only in extreme circumstances. We will contact you if necessary.

Parent–School Relationship

Since the home is God’s primary institution, Ruby-Jo Education Centre functions as an extension of the parents’ responsibility to “train up a child in the way he should go.” It is imperative for there to be a good relationship between Ruby-Jo School and the families of each of our students. Several important points should be kept in mind as we work together to fulfill our God-appointed task of preparing children to serve the Lord and be useful in our society.

  • To criticize or ridicule the policies or staff of the school in the child’s presence is, in effect, undermining the authority and wisdom of the parent who placed him in the care of the school.
  • Many problems have a reasonable explanation. If there is a concern or disagreement, parents should allow the school leadership to explain their policies or decisions before reaching a conclusion.
  • Parents are encouraged to bring their concerns directly to the Ruby-Jo school staff rather than to discuss them with other parents. This will promote open communication and helps to eliminate rumors, gossip, and misinformation (Matthew 18:15).
  • Ruby-Jo Education Centre desires parents to understand the importance of being an example to their young people by a clean-cut, modest appearance. Smoking, fighting and abusive words of insulting is not permitted on the Ruby-Jo School premises no matter the reason(s).  School authorities deserve the right to take an appropriate action as when it becomes necessary to do it in the best interest of the school.
  • At various times, students will bring home notices from the teachers and/or the administration. Parents should read these carefully, and if required, sign and return these notices the next school day.
  • Parents are urged to contact the school concerning their child’s academic progress.

Here are some helpful suggestions for your home:

  1. Require your child to bring books and papers home each day.
  2. Drill your child daily on math, spelling, vocabulary, and study sheets the teacher may send home.
  3. Check your child’s homework for errors or sloppiness. Your child will not benefit from careless work.
  4. Question your child daily about upcoming tests or projects at school.
  5. Be alert to subtle changes in your child’s attitude. Anxiety, discouragement, laziness, rebelliousness, and home problems are determining factors in a child’s academic progress.

The parents and teachers must work together to recognize and correct difficulties before damage is done. Please keep the Ruby-Jo school office informed of any changes in your address, location, phone numbers, employment, doctor, or emergency information.