Research & Publications

 Research is an integral part of designing new projects and after impacts of any project. RJEC is following this principal for all of its new and completed interventions. RJEC is pursuing vigorously research and publication program at all levels to education to challenge students to have great interest in this area of study and to produce and gather a large number of publications on different development issues like – culture dynamics, Christian education, climate change, the environment,wetland and river water conservation, adaptive livelihoods etc.

Our goal is to help both teachers and students of Ruby-Jo Education Centre identify and response positively to life challengers that confronts humans and society everyday and to work out for solutions through vigorously research finding in their own field of gifting, skills and strength.


Secondly for both teachers and students to appreciate and exercise the use and the gift of intelligence in the classroom, research and discovery.

Research and Publication Department

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